그 중 C# JSON 라이브러리에 JsonExSerializer 라는 놈이 있는데 썩 잘만든 것 같다.
현재 2.0 버젼이 릴리즈 된 상태고 코드가 꽤 깔끔하다.
튜터리얼 과 사용법 을 보면
Serialization/Deserialization 이 모두 가능하고 사용법이 편리하다.
튜터리얼 내용
This tutorial walks you through serializing a simple class. First we'll start with a sample Customer class. The source is shown here:
Sample Class
public class Customer
private int _id;
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
private string _phoneNumber;
private List<Order> _orders;
public int Id
get { return this._id; }
set { this._id = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return this._firstName; }
set { this._firstName = value; }
public string LastName
get { return this._lastName; }
set { this._lastName = value; }
public string PhoneNumber
get { return this._phoneNumber; }
set { this._phoneNumber = value; }
Next we'll populate the class with values and serialize it. To do that we'll need to get an instance of a serializer for the Customer class, and call the Serialize method.
// customer
Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.Id = 1;
customer.FirstName = "Bob";
customer.LastName = "Smith";
customer.PhoneNumber = "(222)444-9987";
// serialize to a string
Serializer serializer = new Serializer(typeof(Customer));
string jsonText = serializer.Serialize(customer);
The output should look something like this:
Created by JsonExSerializer
Assembly: Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Type: Sample01.Customer
To deserialize the customer object is just as easy. We'll use the same serializer and the string that we wrote the previous result to to deserialize the class.
Customer deserializedCustomer = (Customer) serializer.Deserialize(jsonText);
Next we'll add an orders collection to the customer object. Collections are serialized as _javascript arrays. The Order class looks like this:
public class Order
private decimal _amount;
private string _orderNumber;
private int _itemCount;
public decimal Amount
get { return this._amount; }
set { this._amount = value; }
public string OrderNumber
get { return this._orderNumber; }
set { this._orderNumber = value; }
public int ItemCount
get { return this._itemCount; }
set { this._itemCount = value; }
And we'll declare it in the customer object like this:
public class Customer {
/* Other properties omitted ... */
private List<Order> _orders;
public List<Order> Orders
get { return this._orders; }
set { this._orders = value; }
Let's populate the Orders collection and add it to the Customer
// orders
Order order1 = new Order();
order1.Amount = new decimal(54.99);
order1.OrderNumber = "ORD123";
order1.ItemCount = 3;
Order order2 = new Order();
order2.Amount = new decimal(99.99);
order2.OrderNumber = "ORD235";
order2.ItemCount = 10;
List<Order> orders = new List<Order>();
customer.Orders = orders;
Now the output should look like this:
Created by JsonExSerializer
Assembly: Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Type: Sample01.Customer
There's the basics of using the Serializer. In later installments we'll look at more advanced scenarios.
사용법 예
To serialize and deserialize objects, first you must get an instance of a serializer.
Serializer serializer = Serializer.GetSerializer(typeof(MyClass));
Then to serialize use the Serialize method, passing in your object to serialize. You can either serialize to a string, or write the serialization to a TextWriter if you're serializing to a file or socket perhaps.
Serialize to String:
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
... // set myClass properties
string result = serializer.Serialize(myClass);
Serialize to TextWriter:
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
... // set myClass properties
TextWriter writer = new TextWriter(new FileStream("somefile.jsx", FileMode.Create));
serializer.Serialize(myClass, writer);
Then to Deserialize, just reverse the process calling the Deserialize method.
Deserialize from String:
string result = ... Populate the string with previously serialized content
MyClass myClass = (MyClass) serializer.Deserialize(result);
Deserialize from TextReader:
TextReader reader = new TextReader(new FileStream("somefile.jsx", FileMode.Open));
MyClass myClass = (Myclass) serializer.Deserialize(reader);
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