MongoDB 공식 C# Driver
CSharp Language Center
CSharp Driver Tutorial
1.8.1 버전 API 문서
접속 시 인증
// on the connection string var connectionString = "mongodb://user:pwd@localhost/?safe=true"; var server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
// in code var settings = new MongoServerSettings() { DefaultCredentials = new MongoCredentials("user", "pwd"), SafeMode = SafeMode.True };
var server = MongoServer.Create(settings); |
서로 인증 정보가 다른 database를 사용할 때
var credentialsStore = new MongoCredentialsStore(); credentialsStore.AddCredentials( "hr", new MongoCredentials("user1", "pwd1")); credentialsStore.AddCredentials( "inventory", new MongoCredentials("user2", "pwd2"));
var settings = new MongoServerSettings { CredentialsStore = credentialsStore, SafeMode = SafeMode.True };
var server = MongoServer.Create(settings); |
var credentials = new MongoCredentials("user", "pwd"); var database = server.GetDatabase("hr", credentials); |
Admin으로 인증하기
var cs = "mongodb://user(admin):pwd@localhost/?safe=true"; var server = MongoServer.Create(cs);
var adminCredentials = new MongoCredentials("user", "pwd", true); var settings = new MongoServerSettings { DefaultCredentials = adminCredentials, SafeMode = SafeMode.True };
var server = MongoServer.Create(settings); |
시간 사용
// 201308011121 라는 문자열로 DateTime 객체를 만든다.
// 중요: MongoDB는 UTC date 타임대를 사용하므로 System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal 로 조정한다
IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("", true);
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(date_time, "yyyyMMddHHmm", culture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);
var login = BasicLogDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Login");
BsonDocument data = new BsonDocument()
{"ID", id},
{"UniqNum", UniqueNumber},
{"date", date}
예제 Insert
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using MongoDB.Driver.Builders;
MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(textBoxAddress.Text);
MongoDatabase testdb = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase("test");
MongoCollection<BsonDocument> Customers = testdb.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Account");
for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
BsonDocument data = new BsonDocument()
{"ID", string.Format("{0}{1}",textBoxPreFix.Text, (StartIndex+i).ToString())},
{"PW", "1111"}
catch (Exception err)
list 자료형을 값으로 사용 할 때
List<int> userCount = new List<int>();
BsonDocument insertData = new BsonDocument()
{"UserCount", new BsonArray(userCount)},
{"date", datetime}
collection = dbLib.dataMiningLogDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("DailyHourLoginUserCount");
예제 Select
하나만 반환
public static bool Auth(string id, string pw)
MongoClient cli = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
MongoDatabase database = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase("test");
var Accounts = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Account");
IMongoQuery query = Query.EQ("ID", id);
var result = Accounts.Find(query).SingleOrDefault();
if (result == null)
return false;
if (result["PW"] != pw)
return false;
return true;
여러개 반환
IMongoQuery query = Query.EQ("version", version);
var results = ItemInfo.Find(query);
List<ItemInfo> itemlist = new List<ItemInfo>();
foreach (var iteminfo in results)
var item = new ItemInfo
version = version,
ID = iteminfo["ID"].AsInt32,
name = iteminfo["name"].AsString,
Lv = iteminfo["Lv"].AsInt32
public class ItemInfo
public int version;
public int ID;
public string name;
public int Lv;
Where절 사용
Query<Employee>.Where(d => d.EmployeeNumber == 1234)
Query<Employee>.Where(d => d.Name == "John Doe")
Query<Employee>.Where(d => d.EmployeeStatus != Status.Active)
Query<Employee>.Where(d => d.Salary > 100000)
복합 쿼리
var query = Query.GTE("x", 1).LTE(3);
// becomes
var query = Query.And(Query.GTE("x", 1), Query.LTE("x", 3));
var query = Query.Not("x").GT(1);
// becomes
var query = Query.Not(Query.GT("x", 1));
var query = Query.Exists("x", true);
// becomes
var query = Query.Exists("x");
var query = Query.Exists("x", false);
// becomes
var query = Query.NotExists("x");
해당 collection 모든 데이터 가져오기
List<AccountData> lstAccount = new List<AccountData>();
MongoClient cli = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
MongoDatabase database = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase("WebTest");
var Accounts = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Account");
// query문 없이 FindAll 사용, 해당 collection에 모든 데이터를 가져올 수 있다.
var result = Accounts.FindAll();
foreach (var AccountInfo in result)
var Account = new AccountData
AccountID = AccountInfo["ID"].AsString,
PassWord = AccountInfo["PW"].AsDouble
return lstAccount;
예제 Update, Delete
// // Mongo DB를 위한 Connection String string connString = "mongodb://localhost";
// MongoClient 클라이언트 객체 생성 MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(connString);
// testdb 라는 데이타베이스 가져오기 // 만약 해당 DB 없으면 Collection 생성시 새로 생성함 MongoDatabase testdb = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase("testdb");
// testdb 안에 Customers 라는 컬렉션(일종의 테이블) // 가져오기. 만약 없으면 새로 생성. var customers = testdb.GetCollection<Customer>("Customers");
// INSERT - 컬렉션 객체의 Insert() 메서드 호출 // Insert시 _id 라는 자동으로 ObjectID 생성 // 이 _id는 해당 다큐먼트는 나타는 키. Customer cust1 = new Customer { Name = "Kim", Age = 30 }; customers.Insert(cust1); ObjectId id = cust1.Id;
// SELECT - id로 검색 IMongoQuery query = Query.EQ("_id", id); var result = customers.Find(query).SingleOrDefault(); if (result != null) { Console.WriteLine(result.ToString()); }
// UPDATE // Save() = 전체 다큐먼트 갱신. // Update() = 부분 수정 cust1.Age = 31; customers.Save(cust1);
// DELETE var qry = Query.EQ("_id", id); customers.Remove(qry); |
예제 FindAndModify
static Tuple<Int64, Int64> StoreUniqueNumber(int Count) { MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(DB_ConnectString); MongoDatabase db = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase(BasicLogDatabaseName); var UniqueNumberCol = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("UniqueNumber");
bool IsLoop = true;
while (IsLoop) { var result = UniqueNumberCol.FindAll().SingleOrDefault();
var firstNum = result["firts"].ToInt64(); var lastNum = result["last"].ToInt64();
var query = Query.And( Query.EQ("firts", firstNum), Query.EQ("last", lastNum) );
var update = Update.Set("firts", lastNum + 1).Set("last", lastNum + Count);
var newResult = UniqueNumberCol.FindAndModify(query, SortBy.Null, update, true);
if (newResult.Ok) { var newFirstNum = result["firts"].ToInt64(); var newLastNum = result["last"].ToInt64();
return Tuple.Create(newFirstNum, newLastNum); } }
return Tuple.Create((Int64)0, (Int64)0); } |
특정 필드 제외, 특정 필드만 쿼리하기
특정 필드 제외
MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(DB_ConnectString);
MongoDatabase db = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase(BasicLogDatabaseName);
var UniqueNumberCol = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("UniqueNumber");
// _id 필드만 제외하고 모든 필드 데이터를 가져온다
var newResult = UniqueNumberCol.FindAll().SetFields(Fields.Exclude("_id"));
특정 필드만 가져오기
MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(DB_ConnectString);
MongoDatabase db = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase(BasicLogDatabaseName);
var UniqueNumberCol = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("UniqueNumber");
// money, level 필드 데이터만 가져온다
var newResult = UniqueNumberCol.FindAll().SetFields(Fields.include("money", "level"));
날짜 쿼리
특정날짜의 데이터 개수 알아내기
// 어제 날짜
dateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
// 0시로 만들기 위해서
DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day);
var count = DBWork.DBDataMining.DailyNewUserStatistics(db, dateTime2);
static public long DailyNewUserStatistics(MongoDBLib dbLib, DateTime dateTime)
var collection = dbLib.BasicLogDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("NewUser");
var query = Query.And(Query.GTE("date", dateTime.ToUniversalTime()), Query.LTE("date", dateTime.AddDays(1).ToUniversalTime()));
var count = collection.Find(query).Count();
return count;
중복 제외
/* { "_id" : ObjectId("5209d0507dbe2af068a42aec"), "ID" : "jacking75", "Uniq" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2013-08-12T06:21:04Z") } */
DateTime datetime = MongoDBLib.StringToDateTime(yyyyMMddHHmm);
// 로그인한 총 수를 얻는다 var collection = dbLib.BasicLogDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("LoginUser"); var query = Query.And(Query.GTE("date", datetime), Query.LTE("date", datetime.AddDays(1)));
// ID 필드 값 중 중복된 것을 제외하고 개수를 구한다 var UniqueLoginUserCount = collection.Distinct("ID", query).Count(); |
필요한 네임스페이스
[BsonIgnoreExtraElements] public class AddressEntry { [BsonId] public BsonObjectId _id { get; set;} public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } public List<Email> EmailAddrs { get; set; }
[BsonIgnore] public string Detail { get; set; } // 맵핑하지 않는다 }
[BsonIgnoreExtraElements] public class Email { public string DisplayName { get; set; } public string MailAddress { get; set; } }
// MongoDB에 접속 MongoClient cli = new MongoClient(); // Database를 선택 MongoDatabase db = cli.GetServer().GetDatabase("TestDB"); // 컬렉션 취득 MongoCollection<AddressEntry> col = db.GetCollection<AddressEntry>("AddressBook"); |
public void Order_Where_Member_1() { var orderCollection = GetCollection(); // 컬렉션 취득을 함수화
var orders = orderCollection.AsQueryable().Where( x => x.MemberId == 1 ).ToList();
orders.ForEach( x => { WriteOrder( x ); x.OrderDetails.ToList().ForEach( y => WriteOrderDetail( y ) ); } ); } |
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.EmployeeStatus == Status.Active && e.Salary > 100000 select e;
// translates to: { EmployeeStatus : 1, Salary : { $gt : 100000 } } |
문자열에서 일부 문자 찾기
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Name.Contains("oh") select e;
// translates to: { nm: /oh/s }
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Name.StartsWith("John") select e;
// translates to: { nm: /^John/s } |
string Length, IsNullOrEmpty
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Name.Length == 4 select e;
// translates to: { nm: /^.{4}$/s }
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Name) select e;
// translates to: { $or : [ { nm: { $type : 10 } }, { nm: "" } ] } |
string ToLower
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Name.ToLower() == "john macadam" select e;
// translates to: { nm: /^john macadam$/is } |
array element, Length
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Skills[0] == "Java" select e;
// translates to: { "Skills.0" : "Java" }
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Skills.Length == 3 select e;
// translates to: { Skills : { $size : 3 } } |
dotted names
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Address.City == "Hoboken" select e;
// translates to: { "Address.City" : "Hoboken" } |
var states = new [] { "NJ", "NY", "PA" }; var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where states.Contains(e.Address.State) select e;
// translates to: { "Address.State" : { $in : [ "NJ", "NY", "PA" ] } }
// alternative syntax using C#/.NET driver "In" method var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Address.State.In(states) select e; |
$in/$all with arrays
var desiredSkills = new [] { "Java", "C#" }; var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Skills.ContainsAny(desiredSkills) select e;
// translates to: { "Skills" : { $in : [ "Java", "C#" ] } }
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Skills.ContainsAll(desiredSkills) select e;
// translates to: { "Skills" : { $all : [ "Java", "C#" ] } } // note: ContainsAny and ContainsAll are defined by the C#/.NET driver and are not part of standard LINQ |
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>() where e.Addresses.Any(a => a.City == "Hoboken" && a.State == "NJ") select e;
// translates to: { "Addresses" : { $elemMatch : { City : "Hoboken", State : "NJ" } } } |
Mixing LINQ with MongoDB queries
var query = from e in collection.AsQueryable() where e.Salary > 50000 && Query.NotExists("EmployeeStatus").Inject() select e;
// translates to: { Salary : { $gt : 50000 }, EmployeeStatus : { $exists : false } } |
참고 문서
What's new in the .NET Driver
CSharp Driver LINQ Tutorial
Error Code
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